Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will make its debut on August 9. A couple of leaks and rumours about the upcoming phablet have already been covered online. Now, a fresh leak about the Galaxy Note 9 has surfaced. This time, the specs sheet of the device has been spotted, revealing major specifications of the Samsung phone. The leaked sheet reveals one of the model numbers of the … [Read more...]
The Best Smart Phones You’ve Never Heard Of…
Today's world is so brand-centric and full of advertising that there aren't many people that couldn't spot an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy. But, believe it or not, there are more phone manufacturers than just the same old list of Apple, Samsung, HTC, and the like. If you're looking for a new phone that's a little different, or maybe something that's a tad more affordable than … [Read more...]
5 Best Smartphones to Buy Under Rs 20000
1.) Lenovo Z2 plus Lenovo Z2 plus is the Lenovo’s new flagship phone which is the new definition of power at an affordable price. Why power? , because it holds a powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 on-board which pretty much overpowers the competition and con sidering its price i.e. just Rs 13499, it is the best you can get under Rs 20000. To top it up the device … [Read more...]
Moto G5 Plus Vs Lenovo P2
Introduction: Android lovers have got so much abundance in choice that iOS and Windows users are jealous of them. Budget devices are selling like hot cakes these days with specs being bettered every year and aggressive pricing being pushed by many OEM’s. Most people can find mid-range devices with flagship specs and today, we will discuss two of the best devices available in … [Read more...]
Redmi 4 Vs Redmi 4A
Introduction: Xiaomi, the Chinese OEM is dominating the lower end smartphone world with great devices with high end features at dirt cheap prices. They are disrupting the Indian smartphone market by providing excellent value for the price. They have become quite a rage in India as of now and gained many fans. Let us look and compare two of the most popular Redmi smartphone, … [Read more...]