Managing your financial needs is always a cause of concern for people around the globe. Whether you are rich or poor you always look for smarter way to spend your earning so that in the end of day or month you left with some finance which you can use during hard days of life.
You can term this financial situation “Smart Spending”. But do you know there is one android app name Smartspends, also available for you which can be free downloaded on your mobile. It promises to guide you “how you can easily slow down your expenses and helps you manage your financial goal in more professional way”. Even without knowledge of accounting you can smartly use this smart app because it equipped with an intelligent algorithm and interesting interface.
How SmartSpends App works?
SmartSpends manage the spending, helps in that where should invest money; make you remember with all the spending as bill calendar, offer with many lucrative offers and guide which best card to use for every spending.
Features of SmartSpends app
- Spends
This feature tracks the spending by giving a clear picture of all expenses in one place. So, no need to add any bank password or other manual input to excess its features. Everything works automatically with neatly categorized interface that shows all spending.
- Investment
If you love investing of funds then this app is specially build for you. Here you can easily find and buy all the best manual funds that can automatically track all of your investments at one place.
- Bill Calendar
This shows all the bills at one place and ensures you never miss a bill by providing with smarter alerts that will help to get rid of all late fees and other interest charges.
- Offers
Everyone loves discounts and offers, so this feature only shows those offers that matters the most.
- Card suggest
Everyone surely has many cards which offer many discounts time to time. But sometime we are not always aware of these offers. So this Card suggestion feature gives you best suggestion on the card you should use for every spending.
- Fun with Smartspends
This smart app will help exploring your financial records by providing you with all the fun facts based on your financial data and spending inclination in the form of cards. Isn’t interesting?
So All in all, with the help on several algorithms this Smartspends Android app can organize all of your spending into different categories by providing the users with a picture of all the spending in one single place. Download it Now free.