Good workers don’t grow on trees. There are multiple job offers to consider, so how do you entice a future employee to choose your company? By combining traditional solutions to Engage Coworking, you will get a powerful recruiting combo that is hard to beat.
3. Word Of Mouth
Word of mouth about your company is a powerful recruiting tool. It can be started with clever marketing, a new product launch or being responsive on social media. The amount of attention that you clamour for can also be used against the company. Negative attention is twice as powerful as positive attention. By not keeping track of all relevant company news, you lose control of the narrative.
Consistency is the best approach with word of mouth. If your best employees come from one source, keep working that angle until it is exhausted. You gain major influence points from potential workers if they are familiar with someone already on your payroll. They will most likely reach out to that current worker before accepting your proposal. If your company is in good standing, then consider it an instant positive review.
2. Networking
Networking works on three main fronts, and all have a specific purpose. Understanding how each one can help you attain a valuable worker is important to the growth of a business.
Job fairs give companies a chance to showcase their services and products. It’s also a clever way to collect data on potential employees. There will be a few elite workers that attend these events, so you’ll have a lot of competition.
Networking events are the company to company get-togethers. This is also a clever way to get information, but the real push is to ‘sell’ your company. These events will have a few people that are considering changing companies. Unlike job fairs, your job is to pursue the employee indirectly instead of having them come to you. Send your best talker to the event with a stack of business cards so that you’ll always have a positive response.
Charity events are very low key but put your company in the news on a local and international level. Your job at a charity event is to represent the company in the best way possible. Shake hands, smile and socialize to put on the best face for your business. Once news spreads about the professionalism of your company, resumes will start showing up at a rapid pace.
1. Using A Compatible Management Platform
Extra training is required for workers that are moving from one software platform to another. This is why workers that use a different management platform are less likely to be interested in your job offer. Someone that has worked years with the same (or similar) program will be more excited to join the team. Seek out workers that match this skillset, and your offer is more likely to be accepted.
Wrap Up
When workers are genuinely interested, they come to you. Find out what you need to do as a company to make an employee interested enough to join. Stand out from the competition by becoming a top-three choice for any potential worker.